If you are anti-guns, or afraid of guns, or just don't like them and don't want them in your house, then this blog is for you.
(It might just change your mind)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Our freedoms are always only one generation away from extinction.

The "war on guns" is only just now ramping up, and it looks to be a real political battle coming.  The left is throwing everything under the sun at the senate floor in the hopes that something will pass.  Presidential "Executive Order" has already been used, and will likely be trotted out again.

This requires everyone be involved.  Not the activist next door.  Not the other members of some group that you belong to.  Not some other group of people.  YOU.  As a gun owner, as an American, as a free man or woman, as a parent, you need to get personally involved.

We've seen numerous instances of the constitution's system of checks and balances being abused, and even discarded.  The slippery slope of government overreach becoming more and more familiar, even routine.  Ours is therefore an uphill battle.  Yet there are reasons why the GGL (Gun Grabbling Libereals) may yet back down:
  • People buying firearms in DROVES and rallying "Molon Labe"
  • General public starting (slowly) to be educated on the misnomer of "assault rifles"
  • Sheriffs now saying they would not cooperate with confiscation, and would actively prohibit it.
  • Several states discussing and passing resolutions that outlaw federal enforcement / confiscation.
  • Military not towing the party line.
  • Homeland defense "weekend warriors" not willing to go up against such odds.

With everyone against them, why wouldn't they think twice?   They are not giving up.  They just know now that they have to move slower to have any chance of success.  Boil the frog.  They can always manufacture another crisis later...  try again when indoctrinated kids grow to voting age.

Even if we win the current fight over gun-control, we can not rest assured that our freedoms are secure.  Our freedoms are always only one generation away from extinction.

If we wish to win this "war on guns", we must:
  • Remain engaged.  
  • Educate our children.
  • Support organizations like the TSRA and NRA that help fight for our rights.
  • Stop supporting the biased propaganda spewing MSM (Main Stream Media).
  • Make ourselves flawless examples of responsibility, morality & non-violence lest we be targeted by the MSM.
  • Remove politicians who would violate the constitution by:
  1. Writing our representatives
  2. Eliminating voter fraud 
  3. Protect the rights of our active military to vote & be counted.
  4. Support campaigns of politicians who support our beliefs
  5. Writing to local media outlets
  6. Educating the public
Your voice and your vote still counts!

This requires everyone be involved.  Not the activist next door.  Not the other members of some group that you belong to.  Not some other group of people.  YOU.  As a gun owner, as an American, as a free man or woman, as a parent, you need to get personally involved.


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