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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Gun Grabbers: This is what they’re REALLY after

Universal background checks, which will force any private seller to dig into the background of any private purchaser and record the sale, which will give the government a nice little de facto gun owner registration database.

That’s why the bright, shiny object of the day is this crazy  “assault” weapons ban proposed by Dianne Feinstein, which has no hope at all of passing. But it detracts from what the gun grabbers are really after – the ability to track law-abiding citizens who choose to exercise their Second Amendment rights. And your “Republican leaders” seem to be all aboard, because… OH LOOK OVER HERE, THERE WAS THIS ONEROUS ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN AND WE BEAT THAT DOWN, SO THIS IS A MUCH SMALLER INFRINGEMENT ON YOUR RIGHTS! Ooops! Did we say that?

The number two House Republican said Tuesday that he supports beefed up background checks for gun sales, an indication of where potential gun control legislation could be headed on Capitol Hill.
Rep. Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, told CNN Chief Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash that a system put in place in his home state of Virginia following the 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech could be a model for a nationwide measure.
He said that model ensured mental health information was linked to databases used in background checks during gun sales.

Let me put this out there for your consideration:

I understand the concerns about the mentally ill having easy access to firearms. I understand the dangers truly unstable individuals pose.

However, this latest infringement – coupled with the current administration’s pressure on doctors and therapists to report their patients in greater numbers

It could lead to trouble.

Let’s forget for a moment that pesky little doctor/patient privilege thing. Doctors are already required to report individuals who are a danger to themselves and to others. I signed this form recently, when I took a family member into therapy. The therapist was clear: what is said between us remains between us, but IF I feel you pose a danger to yourself and to others, I have an obligation to report you. I see nothing wrong with this. But now, with the paranoia and hysteria surrounding mental illness or even individuals seeking a bit of therapy to vent and get their heads on straight, I can see scores of perfectly stable, law-abiding people placed on a prohibited list and denied their rights.

The recent murder of American sniper and war hero Chris Kyle is shining a spotlight on veterans with Post Traumatic Stress. Let’s toss aside the morally reprehensible comments of Ron Paul and many of his equally repugnant supporters that imply that an American veteran who dedicated himself to serving his nation, and then later, dedicated his time and efforts to helping his brothers in arms overcome mental trauma and stress, somehow deserved what he got. Chris Kyle was murdered by someone who now claims he has PTSD, and the usual histrionics have begun. PTSD! MENTAL ILLNESS! WHY DID HE HAVE A GUN?

I can easily see American veterans being denied their basic rights just by virtue of needing a bit of help getting through the readjustment after war. Never mind that the link between PTS and violence is pretty puny. Most veterans who suffer from PTS never become violent.

People with PTSD avoid certain activities and environments, are hypervigilant, have intrusive memories and are often depressed. Anger, hostility and aggressiveness are less common symptoms. Headaches, troubled sleep, poor attention and muddled thinking are the hallmarks of mild traumatic brain injury. Impulsive behavior is sometimes seen, too.
Numerous studies have shown that repeated deployment is a “risk factor” for the disorder. A study published this month examined the experience of 66,000 Marines who served in Iraq. Those with two deployments had almost twice the rate of PTSD as those deployed once. People with longer time at home between deployments had half the risk of developing the disorder as those with rapid turnaround times. There’s also considerable evidence that untreated PTSD tends to get worse, not better, over time.

Not all veterans who return from war suffer from post traumatic stress and traumatic brain injuries, and hardly any become violent.

And yet… couple this Administration’s directive to doctors and therapists to report anyone and everyone who may need some help getting over a hump with the politicians’ zeal to expand background checks to include mental health information, and you have a recipe for excluding thousands and thousands of stable, loving, law-abiding individuals who happened to have served their nation in the armed forces, from exercising their rights.

Nope. Not comfortable with this.

Additionally, as I said earlier… expanding background checks to include mental health information and forcing private sellers – individuals who merely want to dispose of their property – to report their transactions can lead to only one thing: registration.

And furthermore, the creation of an even bigger bureaucracy to facilitate background checks for everyone and the obligation of private individuals to participate in it will lead to cost increases, which will invariably be passed on to the prospective customer, making the purchase of self defense tools more prohibitive for people who may really need them – poor individuals, who may live in higher-crime areas.

So while our attention is diverted to, OH LOOK! ASSAULT WEAPONS! your legislators are hard at work crafting legislation they believe will have a much better chance of passing – a de facto registration bill.


1 comment:

  1. Tens of thousands of veterans retire from service every year, and PTSD is not at all uncommon. And yet it is exceptionally rare to hear of a PTSD vet going violent.
