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Friday, July 22, 2011

Boy Scouts, Other Groups Provide Gun Safety Training

Boy Scouts, Other Groups Provide Gun Safety Training

The St. Louis Boy Scouts make a point of teaching gun safety beginning with Cub Scouts at age seven.

Thursday's triple digit temperatures did not seem to bother dozens of Cub Scouts learning to fire "BB" guns at Beaumont Scout Reservation in southwest St. Louis County. The boys had been learning about gun safety, history and shooting techniques during their week-long camp.
"It's very cool and I like doing it," said one eager seven year old.

Scout Range Safety Officer Ron Newton has taught firearm skills to scouts for more than 25 years. "Certainly we stress safety. Number one is to point that muzzle in a safe direction"

Cub Scout Brendan said he understands why the safety rules are important, "Because otherwise you could shoot someone and you could drop the gun and if it was loaded it would fire"


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