If you are anti-guns, or afraid of guns, or just don't like them and don't want them in your house, then this blog is for you.
(It might just change your mind)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

If gun control worked, Chicago would be Mayberry

Commentary by Jake Southern

"we’re a heck of a lot more capable than our government gives us credit for, aren’t we?"

If gun control worked, Chicago would be Mayberry
If gun control worked, Chicago would be Mayberry right now! And Weld County and El Paso County would be Thunderdome! You guys wouldn’t have [Weld County] Sheriff [John] Cooke, you would have Tina Turner and Mel Gibson running around! It would be horrible! But that’s not real life! Real life is gun control not working in Chicago. Real life is gun control failing in Camden, New Jersey and Oakland, California, and a lot of other communities in this country . . . 
We are pushing back with the lawsuits, with the phone calls to our legislators, by electing officials and supporting elected officials who listen to us. But we’re also pushing back by being grownups, and by being okay at it. By having hundreds of people show up at a range and fire thousands of shotgun shells . . . and everybody’s okay! And now we’re enjoying cigars and drinks and we’ll all get home safely tonight, right? 
Because we can control our lives! We can manage our lives! It’s not too difficult. We’re not perfect. We may eat a little too much dessert every now and then. We may not be able to beat that one bad habit, like smoking cigarettes, whatever. But we’re a heck of a lot more capable than our government gives us credit for, aren’t we? 

That's really the key here.  Not that "guns cause crime" but that We are more responsible than our government gives us credit for.  The government simply doesn't trust us with guns.  In most states, local authorities do, but not Uncle Sam.  Why?  What's Uncle Sam got to fear from us?  Unless they're planning tyranny....

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