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Friday, March 25, 2011

"I Have A Gun!" - Things Not To Say To A Cop

by Richard Johnson

Prior to riding a desk and writing about guns, I was a cop. I worked for more than a decade in uniform patrol as a beat cop, supervisor and trainer. In that time, I saw and heard just about anything you can imagine.

One of the nicest groups of citizens I got to meet were armed citizens. Generally, people that carry guns are polite and friendly. Sometimes, however, a few of these friendly folks were a bit too eager to share their state of being armed with me.

Tip: If you have a firearm in your car and you get stopped by a police officer, think about what you will say before you say it. If you do tell an officer that you are armed, take a deep breath, and do so in a calm manner. Excited people tend not to say things very clearly. If an officer approaches you, and you are excited, blurting out something about having a gun, could create a dangerous misunderstanding.

Keep in mind that cops are people from your own town and neighborhood. Most cops are very pro-Second Amendment. But all cops have a keen desire to not get shot. So think before you speak. Please, don’t blurt out “I’ve got a gun!” if you are pulled over.


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