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Monday, June 24, 2013

Group Plans ‘Toy Gun March’ on Washington

by Robert W. Hunnicutt 

One of the best ways to fight a remorseless, humorless enemy is with humor, and that’s what Washington, D.C., area libertarians are doing July 3 with the Toy Gun March.

Toy gun-toting celebrants will march through the National Mall to make the point that indoctrination-minded educational bureaucrats have been working to demonize gun ownership by the draconian punishments levied on students for, say, bringing a squirt gun to school.
The march begins at 9:30 a.m. and includes family-friendly games, face painting and speeches at the Lincoln Memorial at 10:30 a.m. There will be plenty of reloads on hand from a 160-gallon water tank that will accompany the column. Proceeds will go to Toys for Tots.
Congratulations to Libertarian Republic for thinking of this one. Ridicule is a powerful weapon, and if this march directs it towards anti-gun educrats, it will hit the mark.


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