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Thursday, September 12, 2013

WIN for Colorado! Colorado state anti-gun senators successfully recalled from office

 Teresa Mull

In an unprecedented move which holds national significance, Colorado voters have successfully recalled two state lawmakers for enacting too-strict gun legislation.
Colorado Senate President John Morse (D) of Colorado Springs was defeated on a 51%-49% vote yesterday, and State Senator Angela Giron (D) of Pueblo was defeated by an even larger margin: 56% to 44%.
Both lawmakers are responsible for passing legislation imposing stricter gun laws (limiting the size of ammunition magazines and requiring universal background checks), which many voters say violate the Second Amendment.
Luke Wagner of the Basic Freedom Defense Foundation, who is leading the effort to depose the senators, said of Sen. Morse: “[He] couldn’t have given us a better gift than to have thrown something in everybody’s face. He decided that rural Coloradans aren’t as important as urban Coloradans. He doesn’t like gun owners.”
“The new gun laws were just the catalyst. A lot of people are very upset about being ignored, so finding vocal moral support hasn’t really been a hard sell.”
Two Republicans now take their place.

1 comment:

  1. Double-whammy. The grass-roots effort to recall Colorado state Sen. president John Morse in Colorado Springs and Democrat state Sen. Angela Giron in Pueblo resulted in two historic victories for Second Amendment activists and limited-government advocates. Despite the gun control lobby’s 6-to-1 spending advantage, ordinary citizens out-organized, out-campaigned, and out-voted the Biden/Bloomberg/Brady network. Congratulations to state Senators-elect Bernie Herpin and George Rivera.
