If you are anti-guns, or afraid of guns, or just don't like them and don't want them in your house, then this blog is for you.
(It might just change your mind)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Proof Why You Need a Gun to Shop at Kroger


Late at night this past Saturday, a large group of angry and violent teenagers descended upon a Kroger in Tennessee intent on inflicting a world of hurt on whoever they found. The group assaulted store employees, and even beat an elderly woman in the parking lot. According to Shannon Watts and the Moms Demand Action crowd (employees of Michael Bloomberg) Kroger is a perfectly safe environment where nothing bad ever happens, and the only people who bring guns to the store are psychopaths — they have even launched a multi-million dollar campaign to brainwash others into thinking the same thing. However, as this video and the multiple injuries and near fatal assaults definitely show, while Shannon Watts may feel safe at her local grocery store surrounded by her armed guards the average citizen might need a little protection.
The people who were assaulted in the video above were healthy teenage kids. In a fair fight one-on-one, they might have a chance to fend off their attacker and survive. But in this case, they were attacked by an angry and violent mob. They were overwhelmed, and it was only through sheer luck that they were not beaten to death. From the local CBS affiliate:
The disturbing video shows a high school kid lying still on the ground while others repeatedly kicked and stomped on his head. The teen attacked is an employee of Kroger.
“They followed hitting him with a pumpkin. He was already unconscious, so all you could see was blood and pumpkins,” said a witness who did not want to be identified. He is a friend of the victims.
The attackers didn’t care that their victim was already unconscious — they wanted to hurt him. They could very easily have killed him, even if that wasn’t their intention. That man is alive because of sheer luck.
The victims didn’t just include young and fit teens, though — one elderly lady was viciously attacked in the parking lot. While a young person might have been able to defend themselves, does anyone seriously believe that an elderly lady can fend off even a single attacker?
“It was maybe about 100 to 125 kids. It was a lot of kids,” said the witness.
“Is that an exaggeration?” asked WREG’s Elise Preston.
“No, it`s not an exaggeration,” replied the witness.
What was the reason behind this attack, though? Perhaps the people involved somehow instigated the situation, and what we saw was simply the justified result? According to someone who knows the people involved very well, it was a pre-meditated attack on people who had done them no harm, simply because they wanted to beat people.
“They were playing a game called ‘point them out, knock them out.’ Where they would point someone out and attempt to knock them out or fight them. There was no real reason behind it.
This is a prime example of a situation where a firearm would have made all the difference. Whether you are an elderly lady fighting off a single attacker or a scared teenager fighting off a wave of people intent on beating the ever loving snot out of you and possibly killing you, the simple appearance of a firearm could have stopped the entire situation dead in its tracks. There have been scores of situations where simply displaying a firearm has been enough incentive to deter an attacker, and this may have been another one of those situations. And if that didn’t work, the bullets would have. Unfortunately we will never know.
There were no reports of arrests made at the site of the attack. Police were apparently not present, and did not respond in time. The best that the local police department could promise is that they will “work tirelessly to identify, locate and [hold them] accountable.”
Police need help identifying the attackers. If you have any information, you are asked to call crime stoppers at 528-CASH.

Another example: Why you should carry

Just another example of why citizens should carry a sidearm. 

Even in a 1 on 1 defense situation, you have the right to defend yourself from threat of an assault.  But in these flash-riot situations, such a disparity of odds in a violent assault can get you killed or very seriously injured very quickly, despite the age or gender of the attackers.


Over 100 teens swarm Memphis plaza, 'knocking out' shoppers

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WREG) – CBS affiliate WREG reported that three people are now recovering after a mob of teenagers ran through a busy shopping plaza, seemingly picking out customers and Kroger employees at random to attack.
A video of the incident has been shared with local news stations in the area and is quickly going viral. It shows a young adult lying still on the ground as others repeatedly kick him and stomp his head. Other are seen being chased or knocked to the ground.
WREG said a witness told the cameras that the three people injured were attacked indiscriminately--two victims were African American, and one victim was Caucasian.
The news station added that the brawl happened at the corner of Poplar Avenue and Highland Street.
WREG also reported Monday morning a juvenile has been arrested in connection with the attack. Get the full story here: http://on.kthv.com/1oiYToC
Get the witness' full testimony by going to the WREG.com website:http://on.kthv.com/1rXJXRO
If you have any details on this crime that may lead to an arrest, please contact Crime Stoppers at 528-CASH.

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Rise of Armed Teachers

The Rise of Armed Teachers
by MAURICE CHAMMAH                   WED AUGUST 27, 2014 9:00 AM

Over nine days in July, the first class of school marshals gathered for training. The group of seven teachers and administrators, largely male, assembled at eight each morning at Tarrant County College’s Criminal Justice Training Center, in northwest Fort Worth, to discuss tragedies like Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook. They parsed the details and talked about how they would theoretically respond to such an emergency.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Very illuminating video


Very illuminating video.  Listen to this part at the 6:10 mark.

"I've been in law Enforcement for 42 years now and I can tell you, I never took a gun off a criminal that was registered to the criminal."

What does that tell you?  
Stop punishing the law abiding.