If you are anti-guns, or afraid of guns, or just don't like them and don't want them in your house, then this blog is for you.
(It might just change your mind)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Defacto Gun registration - CHL lists published

You're on the list.  It's just a matter of who can see the list.  It is surprising how many states allow open access to these records. I'm just glad that my state isn't one of them!  If your state is, then please contact your senator. 
Public access to concealed carry lists

This chart is a breakdown of the state's positions on public access to concealed carry lists. Information compiled from the Open Government Guide.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Truth about “Assault Weapons”

The Truth about “Assault Weapons”

There has been much talk lately about “Re-instating the assault weapons ban” and “taking AK-47s out of the public sector”.  There has apparently been some major confusion on the part of many people as to what this means, and what the ban really is.

First of all, you must understand that there is no such thing as an “assault weapon”.  That name is a purely political term.  There are three basic classes of firearms:  Single shot, semi-automatic, and fully automatic.  

A typical single shot firearms can be represented in several  ways. 

First by a “break open” style shotgun or rifle.  These models have no internal magazine and can only hold the one round that is chambered.  These types of firearms are a design holdover from early 1800’s [1] and are still commonly used in bird hunting today. 

Single shot firearms can also be represented by lever action or pump action rifles and shotguns – the type often portrayed in Wild West films. These types of firearms may have an internal magazine that can hold several rounds, but fire only once before requiring the shooter to manually chamber and cock the weapon.  These are also design holdover from early 1800’s [1] and are still commonly used today. 

And lastly, they can be represented by bolt action rifles which firearms may have an internal magazine that can hold several rounds, but fire only once before requiring the shooter to manually chamber and cock the weapon.

 To put it more simply, you pull the trigger once, it goes bang once.

·         A semiautomatic firearm is a model that uses the action from the firing of one round to help the shooter by chambering  and cocking  the next round. 

A typical semiautomatic firearm can be represented by a “double action” revolver, similar to or eveolved from the S&W designs in the 1850’s.   

Likewise, a  semiautomatic firearm can be represented by a modern “semi” handgun, such as the popular Glock – commonly used for home defense, concealed carry, and police issue sidearms. 

And finally, (and most significantly) a  semiautomatic firearm can be represented by a plethora of typical moderns hunting or sport guns, such as the M14 ranch rifle, Benelli Nova duck hunters shotgun, or the popular and customizable AR platform sport rifle.   
The significant factor here for anti-gun politicians is that these modern firearms are typically capable of adding on various conveniences, like flashlights, adjustable shoulder stocks, front grips, or other accessories in a method similar to mounting a scope.  This apparently makes the gun lobbyists nervous.

Despite the fact that the firearm now as a “scary flashlight” attached to it,  you pull the trigger once, it still just goes bang once.

·         A fully automatic weapon is one that uses the action from the firing of one round to both re-chamber and cock the weapon AND fire the next round automatically.  These are known as Machine guns and Submachine guns.
Fully automatic weapons are typically used by the military for fire suppression and rapidly firing at targets from a (typically) close range.

To put it more simply, you pull the trigger once, it goes bang MANY times.

The term “Assault weapon” is specifically intended to conjure images of a shooter aggressively engaging targets with the capacity and speed of a fully automatic weapon (ie: in a military style assault).  In politics however, this term is used to describe modern semi-automatic sporting weapons, despite the fact that semi-automatic weapons would be ineffective at assault style fire suppression or at rapidly firing at multiple targets from close range.

The term was used by the anti-gun lobby and aimed at semiautomatic firearms that looked like fully automatic firearms.  If a semiautomatic firearm had any conventions or features that made it’s use more convenient to the gun owner, such as an adjustable length stock for taller shooters, or more comfortable pistol grip, or a replicable magazine, it was labeled  an “Assault weapon” and demonized.
The purpose in using this terminology is to shift the discussion of gun control from a logical debate to an emotionally charged rhetoric.  In this way, they could confuse and panic more people into agreeing to further limit an individual’s gun rights.

Regardless of what side of the gun-control argument you are on, do not let yourself be fooled  into mis-characterization of the facts or irrational thinking.  We chastise those who would judge a person by their skin as illogical, irrational and biased.  Doing the same with a firearm to create confusion and  fear just because of the way it looks is just as illogical, irrational and biased.  Should we outlaw a toy NERF gun because it LOOKS like a military weapon?  No.  Why?  Because it does not function like a military weapon.  A so called “Assault weapon” is no more dangerous than any other modern hunting rifle.  It functions the same way, has the same rate of fire, and even uses the same common ammunition.  

Who cares what the gun looks like?  Paint it pink, put glitter on it.  As long as you pull the trigger once and it only goes bang once, it is not a "military style assault weapon".

There is no such thing as an “Assault Weapon”.  Don’t fall for the rhetoric.  Don’t perpetuate the lie.

PS - I'll put a hello Kitty stock on my rifle, just to make the anti-gun politicians nervous!

Oklahoma Open Carry law goes into effect Nov. 1 Read more: Altus Times - Oklahoma Open Carry law goes into effect Nov 1

The Oklahoma Open Carry law goes into effect on Nov. 1. According to the Oklahoma Open Carry Association (OKOCA), the law means that: as of that date, “…it will be legal to openly carry a handgun in the State of Oklahoma. This means that any person with a valid handgun license issued by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation has the option to conceal or open carry their handgun. Open carry means that the firearm is carried in a manner that it is clearly visible to others, such as in an outside the waistband holster worn on a belt or in a shoulder holster that is worn on the outside of a shirt, blouse, vest, or jacket.”

Answers to these frequently asked questions about the Open Carry law are courtesy of the Oklahoma Open Carry Association.
  • Do I need a permit to open carry? Yes. In Oklahoma a handgun permit issued by the OSBI is required to legally open carry a handgun.
  • Is there any restriction on the type of handgun I can open carry? Yes. Oklahoma law limits an open carry or conceal carry handgun to .45 caliber ammunition or smaller.
  • Won’t open carry scare people? Almost every other state in the country allows open carry. There is no evidence to support the claim that open carry will cause more violence. The “wild west” image conveyed by those who oppose open carry is simply rhetoric. There is evidence, including an FBI study, which indicates that the presence of a firearm significantly reduces a person’s risk of becoming a victim.
  • Can I be charged for disorderly conduct if someone is frightened or offended by my open carry of a handgun? No. Section 1289.24.A.3. “As provided in the preemption provisions of this section, the otherwise lawful open carrying of a handgun under the lawful open carrying of a handgun under the provisions of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act shall not be punishable by any municipality or other political subdivision of this state as disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace or similar offense against public order.”
  • Is a police officer allowed to check the serial number on my handgun to see if it is stolen or check to see if my handgun is safe or not? No. Section 1290.8.E. Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize a law enforcement officer to inspect any weapon properly concealed or unconcealed without probable cause that a crime has been committed.
  • Am I required to provide identification if I am stopped by a police officer? Yes. A licensed individual must notify a police officer upon first contact if they are in possession of a handgun. An individual must provide a valid handgun license issued by the OSBI and state issued ID or driver’s license to a police officer upon request.
For more information, see the OKOCA website at “www.okoca.org”.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cook County mulling violence tax on guns and ammunition

Drawing the ire of the gun lobby, Cook County Board President Preckwinkle is eyeing a violence tax on guns and ammunition sold in the city and suburbs, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned.

Such a tax alone wouldn’t close a $115 million budget gap in 2013, but it could at least funnel money into the county’s $3 billion operation — where roughly two-thirds of the budget pays for both the county’s public health clinics and two hospitals along with the criminal justice system that includes the courts and jail. 

“If we were to pursue a tax on something like guns and ammo, clearly that wouldn’t be popular with the [gun lobby] out there, and it may not generate $50 million, but ... it is consistent with our commitment to pursuing violence reduction in the city and in the county,” Kurt Summers, Preckwinkle’s chief of staff, said on Monday.

The idea is to curb the number of guns in circulation, he said, citing a report issued last summer showing that nearly one-third of the guns recovered on Chicago’s streets were purchased in suburban gun shops. Other statistics are more dire: Murders in Chicago are up 25 percent this year, according to recent police statistics, and the county jail is filling up — with 9,000-plus inmates, nearing the 10,155 capacity.

Along with the tragic human toll, gun violence takes a toll on government coffers.

“It impacts law enforcement, both at the city and the county [levels]. It impacts the courtrooms, the public defender and state’s attorney that are in there, the judges that are in there, the clerk of the court that has to sit there, the sheriff’s deputies that are in that courtroom and it impacts the jail — the folks that are sitting there at $143 a day,” he said, referring to the daily cost of keeping an inmate behind bars.

EDITORS NOTE:   Bullshit.  It's unconstitutional is what it is.  And it has nothing to do with curbing violence.  It has everything to do with greedy politicians and government overreach.  Thugs don't get always their guns at retailers.  They don't pay sales taxes on those "acquisitions".  And a tax isn't a bulletproof vest.  You want to curb violence?  Start with Education and encouraging law abiding citizens to arm & train.