If you are anti-guns, or afraid of guns, or just don't like them and don't want them in your house, then this blog is for you.
(It might just change your mind)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Gun Registration Already In Action!

National Guard ask police for names of gunowners and military vets


Two days ago, I received a very troubling phone call from a trusted friend. The friend does not want his name and that of his state to be made public. I will call my friend X and his state Y.

Here is what X told me:

Last Saturday, August 4, 2012, X got a phone call from a good friend, Z, who is a cop in a small town in Y.
Z said that both he and a cop in another neighboring town were paid a visit by two men, driving in separate unmarked Humvees, who identified themselves as members of the National Guard.
The two National Guardsmen (NGs) said they were “doing a survey” and asked the cops for those residents of their respective towns who:
  • own lots of firearms;
  • are long-distance shooters;
  • are military veterans.
The cops told the NGs that, it being a Saturday, they should come back on Monday when the police chiefs are at the stations. But the NGs said they are asking precisely the rank-and-file police officers; in other words, the NGs’ intent was to bypass the brass, i.e., the chain of command.
After the two NGs left, cop Z followed their vehicles and saw the NGs drive around town, making GPS readings.
Cop Z told my friend X that:
  • The National Guard is working under the Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS).
  • Obama and Eric Holder, known for their antipathy toward the Second Amendment and private gun ownership, found a legal loophole that allows the federal government to ask the questions the two NGs had asked the cops. And so Obama issued a presidential directive empowering such agencies as the FBI, U.S. Marshalls, BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms), and the National Guard to gather this information to compile a data base.

So I went looking on the web. This is what I found:

1. I found NOTHING about the National Guard going around asking cops for information on owners of firearms and military vets, in Y or any other state.

2. The U.S. National Guard is considered to be a reserve military force and, as such, is under the Dept. of Defense, not Homeland Security. The agencies that are under DHS are Customs and Border Protection, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Secret Service, and the Office of Inspector General. (See DHS’s organizational chart).

3. I cannot find a presidential directive that specifically orders federal agencies like the National Guard to conduct a firearms survey by asking cops in towns across America. But that is not to say that such a presidential directive doesn’t exist. Here’s why:

I discovered and opened a can of worms about which I’d never even known until now. The “can of worms” is something called Presidential Directives. This is what Wikipedia says:

Presidential Directives … are a form of an executive order issued by the President of the United States with the advice and consent of the National Security Council. The directives articulate the executive’s national security policy and carry the “full force and effect of law”.
Since many of the Presidential Directives pertain to the national security of the United States, many were or are secret (“classified“).


Say goodbye to all your online ammo sources

From The Trenches reports on legislation that is currently before Congress to put the squeeze on those of us wishing to maintain our Second Amendment rights.
Enter H.R. 6241 and S. 3458, identical bills in both houses that are currently in committee; titled Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2012 .
When passed, in person sales of ammunition will be required, as well as registration of amounts exceeding 1,000 rounds, or 1,000 rounds over a week period. The idea behind this legislation is to make you pay more in the future for ammunition and to register sales. It will also limit your selection to what ever is available at a local store.

Another bill before Congress, sitting in committee is Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2011. It is H.R. 591, in the House and S.35 in the Senate. It would permanently ban Gun Shows if passed.

Here is another one held up in committee, Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011.This one penalized states that don’t report enough violators to the National Instant Criminal Background Checks. In the Senate it is S. 436.

Doing a search for ‘assault weapons’ this Bill came up, titled Child Gun Safety And Gun Access Prevention Act Of 2011. This one raises the age of ‘Juvenile’ to ‘under 21′ with penalties for transfer of guns, ammunition, high capacity clips to anyone under 21 who might commit a crime. This one is bound to pass, because of the New Speak in the title. The socialists will love it.

UN Small Arms Treaty Passes While Media Sleeps


According to the UN’s press release,
Concluding its two-week session today, the second United Nations conference to review the 2001 Programme of Action on trafficking in small arms and light weapons adopted a consensus outcome document that highlighted the international community’s renewed commitment to preventing, combating and eradicating the illicit trade.

According to the text, Member States renewed their pledge to rid the world of the scourge brought upon it by the illicit manufacture, transfer and circulation of small arms and light weapons, and their excessive accumulation and uncontrolled spread in many parts of the world.
All countries signed the declaration and further documentation can be found here.



Right about now you are probably thinking, so what? As long as the Senate doesn’t ratify all if well. Ask yourself if you are familiar with the United Nation’s Agenda 21. The Senate didn’t ratify that. Instead Bill Clinton basically passed it by executive order. Mike Opelka, at the Blaze writes:
Agenda 21 is a two-decade old, grand plan for global ’Sustainable Development,’ brought to you from the United Nations. George H.W. Bush (and 177 other world leaders) agreed to it back in 1992, and in 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858, creating a Presidential Council on ‘Sustainable Development.’ This effectively pushed the UN plan into America’s large, churning government machine without the need for any review or discussion by Congress or the American people.
So it is perfectly feasible that this will be implemented over a period of years, but very short years.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Nanny state cops

Man Investigated By Police For Buying Ammunition

Commercial fisherman questioned over purchase of a few boxes of ammo even as feds buy bullets in huge quantities

By Paul Joseph Watson

A commercial fisherman was investigated by police for purchasing a few boxes of ammunition at his local gun store, a shocking example of how Americans are being intimidated out of exercising their second amendment rights even as the federal government buys up bullets in vast quantities.

In a You Tube clip, Brian Loftus reveals how on the 28th of August he purchased a few boxes of ammunition from his local gun shop only to receive a phone call later that same evening at 9:30pm from the State Police.
The cops said they needed to talk to Loftus because he had “purchased a large amount of ammunition.”
Loftus said the police told him someone who was in the gun store while he made the purchase who works for the Chief of Police reported Loftus to make sure he “wasn’t going to do something crazy.”

Loftus told the police he had no criminal record, a fact they immediately confirmed having admitted that they had already checked his record. Loftus told the police they shouldn’t even be pulling the record unless he was a suspect in a crime, which he was not.

“As things are progressing in the country, this is becoming more prevalent and as someone who has swore an oath to defend the Constitution like I have and these officers have, they have to wonder how many people are they gonna call? Are they gonna call their brother in law next time he goes to buy some ammunition or their brother or sister or son – where does it end?” asked Loftus.

“I shoot that amount of ammunition on a good weekend at the range so why are they calling me to ‘make sure’ that I’m not going to do something crazy….I’m just a hard working, tax paying American who loves his country and loves the constitution,” he added.

The fact that Loftus was investigated for buying a few boxes of bullets is ironic given that the federal government is making huge ammo purchases as the establishment media labels those who express concern about the fact as paranoid conspiracy theorists.

As we highlighted last week, the Associated Press attempted to whitewash the Social Security Administration’s recent purchase of 174,000 bullets while completely ignoring a far larger purchase by the DHS which totaled over 1.4 billion bullets.

Back in March, Homeland Security put out a solicitation for 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets that are designed to expand upon entry and cause maximum organ damage, prompting questions as to why the DHS needed such a large amount of powerful bullets merely for training purposes.
This was followed by another DHS solicitation asking for a further 750 million rounds of assorted bullets, including 357 mag rounds that are able to penetrate walls.

“It doesn’t matter what side of the aisle you are on, if you love freedom and you love America you have to wonder where does this go….where does it stop?” asked Loftus.

The reason Loftus was harassed by police was almost certainly related to his membership of the Oath Keepers organization, a group that simply advocates people who swear an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution should not violate it.

The Oath Keepers organization is not a “militia,” as some claim, it is merely a loose network of current and former military and law enforcement professionals who have sworn not to obey unconstitutional orders such as gun confiscation, warrantless searches and mass internment of Americans. The group is committed to non-violence.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Senator Dianne Feinstein to Introduce Updated “Assault” Weapons Ban at DNC

Senator Dianne Feinstein to Introduce Updated “Assault” Weapons Ban at DNC

Dianne Feinstein announced Wednesday that she’s re-entering the battle over gun control during her keynote speech to the California delegates to the Democratic National Convention.
Feinstein was president of the San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors on what she calls that city’s “day of infamy” in 1978, when a former colleague shot and killed Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone. Since then, Senator Feinstein has been one of the most vocal proponents of gun control on Capitol Hill.
She promised California delegates she’d return to Congress to reintroduce “an updated assault weapons bill.”
At the delegates’ breakfast, she said that, “Weapons of war do not belong on our streets, in our classrooms, in our schools or in our movie theatres.”

Great, more attacks on US citizens’ rights.    Unsurprising they omit that Milk and Moscone were killed by a city supervisor who was a cop.  Can’t trust citizens, but can trust the government?

Considering how the last AWB did nothing to disarm criminals, did everything to make firearms illegal based on cosmetic features, restricted US citizens’ rights while accusing them of being criminals for wanting to exercise their rights; and considering how the Obama administration in the form of the ATF was running guns to narcoterrorists with Fast and Furious, this is stupid and offensive on virtually every level.
Eastwood was right, Biden is the brains behind the Democrat party.

Update: Charley Jones of Texas Overnight noted that this is much the standard stuff that Feinstein will throw out to please her rabid anti-gun constituents in order to say “look how serious I am about banning guns”, while expecting it to be nothing but lip service to the Brady people and such.  He has a solid point about that as a likely scenario, that would also be close to the best-case scenario.

At the same time, issues of application of regulation, the executive priviledge exercised in F&F, the sometimes strange standards set by Heller & McDonald – and ready to be exploited, lead to a climate where this is indicative of the mindset.  The reception the DNC gives to this will be noteworthy – after all, they’re the Bill Newells and Teresa Ficarettas of the ATF, the Dennis Burkes of the DOJ, the Elijah Cummings of the Oversight Committee, and all the other rogue’s gallery of anti-rights activists in government.
