Internationally prominent law enforcement officer training instructor, Massad Ayoob, speaks on Stand Your Ground Laws.
Massad F. Ayoob (born 20 July 1948) is an internationally-known firearms and self-defense instructor. He has taught police techniques and civilian self-defense to both law enforcement officers and private citizens in numerous venues since 1974. He was the director of the Lethal Force Institute (LFI) in Concord, New Hampshire from 1981 to 2009. He now directs the Massad Ayoob Group (MAG).[1] Ayoob has appeared as an expert witness in several trials. He has served as a part-time police officer in New Hampshire since 1972 and holds the rank of Captain in the Grantham, New Hampshire police department.[2]
Ayoob has authored several books and more than 1,000 articles on firearms, combat techniques, self-defense, and legal issues, and has served in an editorial capacity for Guns Magazine, American Handgunner, Gun Week, Guns & Ammo and Combat Handguns. Since 1995, he has written self-defense and firearms related articles for Backwoods Home Magazine. He also has a featured segment on the television show Personal Defense TV, which airs on the Sportsman Channel in the US.
While Ayoob has been in the courtroom as a testifying police officer, expert witness, and police prosecutor, he is not an attorney; he is, however, a former Vice Chairman of the Forensic Evidence Committee of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), and is believed to be the only non-attorney ever to hold this position.[3][4] His published work was cited by the Violence Policy Center in their amicus curiae brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court in the District of Columbia v. Heller case, and he himself filed a declaration in another amicus brief in this case.[5] His course for attorneys, titled "The Management of the Lethal Force/Deadly Weapons Case", was, according to Jeffrey Weiner (former president of NACDL), "the best course for everything you need to know but are never taught in law school."[4]
Ayoob remains an internationally prominent law enforcement officer training instructor. Since 1987, he has served as chairman of the Firearms Committee of the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers (ASLET).[dated info] He also serves on the Advisory Board of the International Law Enforcement Educators’ and Trainers’ Association, and is an instructor at the National Law Enforcement Training Center.[5]
The Supreme Court has ruled that the 2nd amendment applies to individual citizens. But how does that affect you? How does it affect the lives of your and your children? Who is packing a pistol? Should you be carrying one too? What you should know before you step out your front door.
If you are anti-guns, or afraid of guns, or just don't like them and don't want them in your house, then this blog is for you.
(It might just change your mind)
(It might just change your mind)
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Google Shopping Censors All Gun, Ammo & Accessories Results
Google sent out an email to Google Adwords customers saying that they are going to pull all Google Shopping results for guns, ammunition, gun optics and gun accessories
HamLund Tactical received this email and posted it on (emphasis added) ...
What ever happened to Google's policy of "do no evil"?? What exactly would you call anti-second amendment censorship? EVIL !
HamLund Tactical received this email and posted it on (emphasis added) ...
Dear Merchant,This is a pity. I liked using Google Shopping to compare prices on gun-related products. Google now has a worse policy than ebay, which at least allows accessories. Shame on you Google.
We're writing to let you know about some upcoming changes to the product listings you submit to Google. As we recently announced, we are starting to transition our shopping experience to a commercial model that builds on Product Listing Ads. This new shopping experience is called Google Shopping. As part of this transition, we'll begin to enforce a set of new policies for Google Shopping in the coming weeks. A new list of the allowed, restricted, and prohibited products on Google Shopping is available on our new policy page - on a review of the products you're currently submitting, it appears that some of the content in your Merchant Center account, HamLund Tactical, will be affected by these policy changes. In particular we found that your products may violate the following policies:WeaponsWhen we make this change, Google will disapprove all of the products identified as being in violation of policies. We ask that you make any necessary changes to your feeds and/or site to comply, so that your products can continue to appear on Google Shopping.To help you through this new set of policies and how to comply with them, we would like to give you some specific suggestions regarding the changes needed to keep your offers running on Google Shopping.WeaponsAs highlighted on our new policy page, in order to comply with the Google Shopping policies you need to comply first with the AdWords policies We do not allow the promotion or sale of weapons and any related products such as ammunitions or accessory kits on Google Shopping. In order to comply with our new policies, please remove any weapon-related products from your data feed and then re-submit your feed in the Merchant Center. For more information on this policy please visit're constantly reviewing our policies, and updating them when necessary, to ensure we're offering the best experience possible to our users. We've identified a set of policy principles to govern our policy efforts on Google Shopping in the U.S. These principles are:1) Google Shopping should provide a positive experience to users. Showing users the right products at the right time can truly enhance a user's experience. When people trust us to deliver them to a destination that's relevant, original, and easy to navigate this creates a positive online experience to the benefit of both users and merchants.2 ) Google Shopping should be safe for all users. User safety is everyone's business, and we can't do business with those who don't agree. Scams, phishing, viruses, and other malicious activities on the Internet damage the value of the Internet for everyone. Trying to get around policies or "game the system" is unfair to our users, and we can't allow that.3) Google Shopping should comply with local laws and regulations. Many products and services are regulated by law, which can vary from country to country. All advertising, as well as the products and services being advertised, must clearly comply with all applicable laws and regulations. For the most part, our policies aren't designed to describe every law in every country. All advertisers bear their own responsibility for understanding the laws applicable to their business. Our policies are often more restrictive than the law, because we need to be sure we can offer services that are legal and safe for all users.4) Google Shopping should be compatible with Google's brand decisions. Google Shopping must be compatible with company brand decisions. Our company has a strong culture and values, and we've chosen not to allow ads that promote products and services that are incompatible with these values. In addition, like all companies, Google sometimes makes decisions based on technical limitations, resource constraints, or requirements from our business partners. Our policies reflect these realities.We've given much thought to our stance on this content, as well as the potential effect our policy decision could have on our Merchants, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.Sincerely,The Google Shopping Team© 2012 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google Merchant Center account.
What ever happened to Google's policy of "do no evil"?? What exactly would you call anti-second amendment censorship? EVIL !
Obamacare can take away your gun rights
The ObamaCare decision negatively impacts gun owners.] as the law
requires Americans’ medical information to be culled and entered into a
national database.
“MAP-21″ (S.1813): Gives IRS the Authority To Confiscate Your Firearms
“MAP-21″ (S.1813): Gives IRS the Authority To Confiscate Your Firearms
By Dana
A new bill passed by the Democrat controlled Senate and now headed to the House would give the IRS broad new powers that watchdogs say include revoking gun rights and passports.The bill, S.1813, is a reauthorization of the federal highway aid, safety, and construction program. But Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, and Senator Barbara Boxer, D-CA, added a major provision to the bill regarding the IRS.
The two Senators apparently want the IRS to have the power to revoke the gun rights of citizens and their right to travel if they owe more than $50,000 in back taxes.
The IRS would not be required to prove that a citizen owes $50,000. All it would take is for the IRS to accuse a citizen of owing that amount.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
"Bath Salts" - just another reason to carry a gun
MIAMI (CBS4) – The drug that made headlines after the causeway cannibal case is back in the news again. This time, North Miami Beach Police said a man believed to be on bath salts stripped nearly naked at a childrens playground and threatened a three-year-old girl with sexual advances.
Police said surviellance video shows Shane Shuyler stripping in the tot lot and then going very close to a three-year-old girl. The police report said he told the child, “Come here little girl, I want to stick it in you.” The woman fled her with daughter.
The bizarre incident unfolded in the tot lot that is located literally in the back yard of the North Miami Beach Police Department. Police arrested Shuyler and a detective in court said his behavior could be explained through a drug called bath salts.
“In his wallet was what appears to be bath salts,” said the detective. “Upon talking to him, he made some statements to me which led me to believe that he was cooling off in the fountain by the tot lot because he was hot; which is consistent with ingesting bath salts.”
"Bath Salts" are a synthetic form of methamphetamine. This drug is becoming increasingly popular, and has been seen in a number of crimes making the news recently. Someone under the influence of bath salts may not be in control of themselves, may act erratically, or be difficult or impossible to stop - as we saw with the causeway cannibal - without deadly force.
Stand Your Ground laws make sense
Stand Your Ground makes sense
Call them what you will: “Stand Your Ground” or “Castle Doctrine” laws. Mayor Bloomberg and members of Congress, speaking on the House floor, go so far as to label them “shoot first” laws.
This is a gross exaggeration — a slander, in fact, against legislation designed to reform a flaw in our treatment of self-defense. Earlier statutes affirmatively required potential victims to retreat as much as possible before using deadly force to protect themselves, sometimes putting their lives in jeopardy.
The supposedly infamous laws passed in Florida and elsewhere, in
contrast, use a “reasonable person” standard for determining when it is
proper to defend oneself — requiring that a reasonable person would
believe that another individual intends to inflict serious bodily harm
or death on them.
Pundits who’ve had a field day ripping apart Stand Your Ground laws repeatedly fail to mention that crucial “reasonable person” standard.
The wild speculation that the laws give broad license for vigilantes to go around recklessly shooting people are a totally irresponsible caricature. Ultimately, it is judges or jurors who determine what constitutes a reasonable fear under such a law, not the person who fires the gun.
A few examples: Under a Stand Your Ground law, you can’t shoot a fleeing criminal in the back. You can’t provoke an attack. You can’t use unnecessary force to stop an attack. Anyone who thinks that the law lets them “shoot first, ask questions later” will end up jail.
And no, I’m not going to get into the twisted case of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, the facts of which are still not fully understood. But, whether Zimmerman acted in self-defense with Trayvon on top of him and no place to retreat — or whether, in the other version of events, Zimmerman initiated the attack — the Stand Your Ground law isn’t relevant.
The media have also been busy painting a picture that an epidemic of justifiable homicides has erupted since these laws have passed. The Wall Street Journal ran a story suggesting that an increase in justifiable homicides nationwide from 176 in 2000 to 326 in 2010 arose from a “shoot first” mentality.
But part of that increase is just a trick of numbers; it occurs because the laws have reclassified what is considered “self-defense,” not because more people are being shot.
Pundits who’ve had a field day ripping apart Stand Your Ground laws repeatedly fail to mention that crucial “reasonable person” standard.
The wild speculation that the laws give broad license for vigilantes to go around recklessly shooting people are a totally irresponsible caricature. Ultimately, it is judges or jurors who determine what constitutes a reasonable fear under such a law, not the person who fires the gun.
A few examples: Under a Stand Your Ground law, you can’t shoot a fleeing criminal in the back. You can’t provoke an attack. You can’t use unnecessary force to stop an attack. Anyone who thinks that the law lets them “shoot first, ask questions later” will end up jail.
And no, I’m not going to get into the twisted case of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, the facts of which are still not fully understood. But, whether Zimmerman acted in self-defense with Trayvon on top of him and no place to retreat — or whether, in the other version of events, Zimmerman initiated the attack — the Stand Your Ground law isn’t relevant.
The media have also been busy painting a picture that an epidemic of justifiable homicides has erupted since these laws have passed. The Wall Street Journal ran a story suggesting that an increase in justifiable homicides nationwide from 176 in 2000 to 326 in 2010 arose from a “shoot first” mentality.
But part of that increase is just a trick of numbers; it occurs because the laws have reclassified what is considered “self-defense,” not because more people are being shot.
Colleges should permit concealed carry
EDITORIAL: Gun-free campuses are safety-free zones
Colleges should permit concealed carry
Five years ago Monday, 32 students and teachers lost their lives in a shooting at Virginia Tech. Earlier this month, seven students were killed and three wounded at a small California Christian university. These tragedies exemplify the failure of “gun-free” school zones and are evidence for the need to overturn concealed carry bans on campuses so law-abiding citizens can defend themselves against maniacs.
In the April 4 incident, One gunman allegedly lined up nursing students against a classroom wall at Oakland’s Oikos University, from which he had been expelled, and opened fire. The shooter had no reason to fear for his own safety because firearms are banned at most postsecondary schools across the nation.
“Colleges invite these shootings by guaranteeing criminals their victims will be disarmed,” - Students for Concealed Carry spokesman David Burnett
Most colleges are exempt from concealed carry laws, but the movement to repeal campus gun bans is expanding.
The Second Amendment grants Americans the right to keep and bear arms. Where that right is respected, security prevails. Gun-free colleges risk becoming free-fire zones for troubled individuals. Common sense dictates that responsible gun bearers should be allowed on campus.
The Washington Times
Saturday, June 2, 2012
American Government Bans Private Gun Ownership
... Latin South American Government that is.
Venezuela bans private gun ownership
Venezuela has brought a new gun law into effect which bans the commercial sale of firearms and ammunition.Until now, anyone with a gun permit could buy arms from a private company.
Under the new law, only the army, police and certain groups like security companies will be able to buy arms from the state-owned weapons manufacturer and importer.
Hugo Chavez's government says the ultimate aim is to disarm all civilians.
In America (The United States of America that is), our forefathers fought a war of independence in the 1700s and gave their lives to ensure that our liberties would be preserved. They died to ensure that the law of the land protected our rights - establishing a republic that we might keep our liberties and not succumb to tyranny like this..
But guess what? So did the Venezuelan forefathers in the 1800s.
"There was no particular incident that set off the bloodless 1948 coup, which was led by Delgado Chalbaud. There was no popular opposition. All prominent adecos were expelled. The other parties were allowed but muzzled."
After which, Venezuela saw years of military dictatorship.
I bet the Venezuelan people thought it would never happen to them. I bet Americans think it could never happen to them either.
Our rights are only valid under the law for so long as the law respects our individual rights.
“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” ~ Ronald Reagan
"One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever"
Ecclesiastes 1:4
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