You are right, the "Banning Guns Issue" is a very important issue - Extremely important to stop in it's tracks. The nanny state would sure like to ban all the guns. But despite their rhetoric and demagoguery, that action is neither wise not constitutional.
The GENIE is out of the bottle on this one folks. You will never get all the guns back. And if you try, all you will do is make sure that the criminals are armed and the honest civilians are not.
The arms race is not just a cold-war era euphemism from the 80's - it is a fact of life. Criminals will often be armed or just plain bigger stronger faster than you are. As Sam Colt put it, the firearm is the great equalizer. God made man, but Sam Colt made them equal!
The supreme court has ruled that the 2nd amendment applies to individuals. "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" means that we can own and carry, without any impedance, any form of arms. The forefathers specifically used this language - "Arms" rather than flintlock or musket, specifically to allow for future developments in technology. They used "shall not be infringed" because it was the strongest anti-government control language - that the government shall not encroach or trespass upon it.
Arms (noun) weapons, especially (but not limited to) firearms.
Infringe (verb) to encroach or trespass (usually followed by on or upon ): Don't infringe on his privacy.
encroach (verb) to trespass upon the property, domain, or rights of another, especially stealthily or by gradual advances.
The supreme court has also rules that police departments do NOT have hte obligation to protect you. And we all know that they don't have the power to do that anyway. Even the officers will tell you that despite their commendable efforts, they often are only able to clean up the corpses after the fact.
Having a firearm to defend yourself is not only a God given and constitutionally protected right, it is a necessity. Time and time again, statistics show that with more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens, the crime rate goes down. "An armed society is a polite society". Yet the Brady-bunch continues to lie to you, twist facts, and fear-monger you into believing that if they take YOUR guns away, they could also take criminals guns away. NONSENSE.
We do not need more gun laws to help reduce crime. It is already illegal to commit a crime. It is already illegal for an ex-con to obtain a firearm. It is already illegal to make a straw purchase. We need to enforce the laws that we have, and punish the criminals, not the honest citizens!
This logic is so simple that a 1st grader can easily grasp it. Yet it eludes the cranky lefty liberal gun-grabbers. Go figure.